Ini adalah salah satu tempat indah yang mungki bisa anda datangi yaitu (Gedong 9). Candi bersejarah ini memiliki keunikan yg tersendiri. Tidak seperti candi Prambanan yg sangat besar, candi gedong 9 mungkin bisa dikatakan sangat kecil. Namum candi ini tidak mau kalah dengan candi-candi yang lain. Apalagi kita bisa melihat pemandangan yang indah dari tempat tersebut. Tempat ini disarankan untuk para PECINTA ALAM.
Bagi yang berkeinginan untuk menapaki tempat ini silahkan latihan fisik setiap hari. Cukup dengan jogin setiap hari, bila benar tak sanggup untuk melakukannya juga tidak apa-apa, karena itu kebutuhan personal masing-masing.
Tidak hanya itu, di tempat ini bagus untuk para atlit lari yang ingin menambah kekuatan larinya. Karena di tempat memiliki trek menanjak dan menurun sehingga kekuatan lari anda akan meningkat drastis.
In english:
This is one beautiful place that could possibly, you want to attend is (Gedong 9). This historic temple has its own uniqueness reply. Unlike a very large Prambanan temple, the temple gedong 9 may be said to be very small. However the temple was not to be outdone by the other temples. Moreover, we can see the beautiful scenery of the place. This place is recommended for nature lovers.
For those who wish to tread this place is just a physical exercise every day. Enough with jogin every day, if true unable to do so also it does not matter, because the personal needs of each.
Not only that, in this place is great for athletes who want to add strength to run his run. Because the place has a track uphill and down so that you run strength will increase dramatically.
For those who wish to tread this place is just a physical exercise every day. Enough with jogin every day, if true unable to do so also it does not matter, because the personal needs of each.
Not only that, in this place is great for athletes who want to add strength to run his run. Because the place has a track uphill and down so that you run strength will increase dramatically.
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