Untuk menik mati Sunrise, anda harus rela berkemah di pinggir pantai tersebut. Saya saran untuk membawa rombongan, untuk mengatisipasi hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan.
Jika ingin merasakan sensasi yang lebih, siapkanlah alat pancing beserta umpannya. Karena tempat ini cocok sbagai spot untuk mancing. Karena karang-karang yang ada di Wedi Ombo ini sangat di gemari ikan-ikan untuk berlindung dari sergapan musuhnya.
Untuk orang-orang yang tidak tahan terhadap nyamuk, saya sarankan untuk membawa obat nyamuk. Namun jangan gunakan obat nyamuk bakar karena bisa membahayakan keselamatan anda. Apabila obat nymuk itu membakar tenda anda, selesailah sudah tidak bisa tidur karena kedinginan.
In english:
Wedi Ombo, located at yogyakarta beach has its own privileges. Unlike the present Parang Tritis beauty wave. Wedi Ombo show something more different, with beautiful coral reefs perfect for enjoying the SUNSET or SUNRISE.
To enjoy die Sunrise, you must be willing to camp on the edge of the beach. My suggestion to bring the troupe, to anticipates the things we do not want.
If you want to feel more sensation, ready your fishing pole and bait. Because this place is suitable as a spot for fishing. Because coral reefs exist in Wedi Ombo is to enjoy doing the fish to take cover from enemy attack.
For people who can not stand against the mosquito, my advice to bring mosquito repellent. But do not use mosquito coils because it could endanger the safety meets these demands. If the drug nymuk it burn your tent, it was over could not sleep because of cold.
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